Display Related Pages with a Child Pages Menu
A Page can display a menu in the sidebar with links to related pages.
This menu is called a Child Pages Menu.
The Research page on the CALS site has a Child Pages Menu in the sidebar:
- Your site’s theme must be set to “A UW Madison Theme.”
- Page Options must be set to display the side navigation (the default setting)
- Pages must exist before they can become a parent or child Page
Offline – Plan the Child Pages Menu:
Write down, in order, the names of the Pages you want listed in the sidebar. Common list orders include alphabetical and order of importance. Number the list.
In WordPress – Create the Parent/Child Relationships in the Child Pages:
- Edit each Page on the list.
- Scroll down a bit and look to the right to locate the block titled “Page Attributes.”
Inside that block are two fields:
– a drop-down list called Parent
– a box called Order
- Set the Parent to the name of the parent Page (the one that will contain the sidebar menu).
- Referring to your planning sheet, enter a number in the Order column.
- Click Update.
- Browse to the parent page and click Refresh. The Child Pages Menu appears in the sidebar.
Offline – Plan Your Edits to the Child Pages Menu:
Print out the parent Page. Next to each item, write down the number you want the item to appear in the updated list.
In WordPress – Change the Order of the Child Pages:
- Edit each child Page.
- Scroll down a bit and look to the right to locate the block titled “Page Attributes.”
- Referring to your planning sheet, enter a number in the Order column.
- Click Update.
Offline – Plan Your Edits to the Child Pages Menu:
Print out the parent Page. Add the item you want to delete. Number the edited list.
In WordPress – Add the Child Page to the List:
- Edit the child Page you want to add the list.
- Scroll down a bit and look to the right to locate the block titled “Page Attributes.”
- Set the Parent to the name of the parent Page (the one that will contain the sidebar menu).
- Click Update.
In WordPress – Renumber the Other Child Pages
- Edit the other Pages.
- Referring to your planning sheet, enter the revised number in the Order column.
- Click Update.
Offline – Plan Your Edits to the Child Pages Menu:
Print out the parent page. Cross the item you want to delete. Number the edited list.
In WordPress – Remove the Child Page from the List:
- Edit the child Page you want to remove from the list.
- Scroll down a bit and look to the right to locate the block titled “Page Attributes.”
- Reset the Parent to (no page).
- Click Update.
In WordPress – Renumber the Remaining Child Pages
- Edit the remaining Pages.
- Referring to your planning sheet, enter the revised number in the Order column.
- Click Update.